Name : Kristi Chow
extra_vars2[] : 604
extra_vars2[] : 417
extra_vars2[] : 6717
Email :
Message : Hello,
I would like to place a delivery order for August 29 at 11:45 am. Our office address is 400-4180 Lougheed Highway, Burnaby. ( I sent an email to - but I'm not sure if your business is still using this email address).
Can I please order the following:
- Assorted wrap platter – enough for 25 people (please make 1 meat one with no cheese, and 1 with no avocado)
- 3 vegetarian wraps
- 2 vegan sandwiches
- 2 fruit platters
- 2 fresh veggie & dip platters
- Plates and utensils
If you have any questions about the order, please call me at 604-417-6717.